Bay Area & California Ancillary Probate Attorney
Probate is the court supervised administration of an estate and is often required if assets are not included in a trust. Our Probate practice addresses the administration of:
- The California assets of an out-of-state deceased individual; or
- Assets that were inadvertently left out of an existing trust.
- People with wills only and no trusts or no plan in place.

Out of State Decedents
If an out of state decedent owned real estate or other assets located in California but not titled in the trust, an ancillary probate may be necessary to clear title and transfer ownership to the rightful beneficiaries. Often their estate or trust administration is being handled by an attorney in their home state, but to transfer the California assets, an in state attorney is needed. TrustParencyPC has extensive experience working with attorneys from other states to navigate the intricacies of probate administration, from initiating the process to obtaining court approval and facilitating asset distribution.
Assets Outside of Trust
It happens. Either folks did not understand that they had to retitle assets or for some reason an asset was left out side the trust. When real estate valued at over $61,500 or other assets cumulatively valued at $184,500 are outside the trust and someone passes, a probate petition or possibly a Heggstad petition may be necessary to transfer the assets to the trust for further distribution.
Assisting Attorneys
We know that many California attorneys take on trust administrations without the necessary resources or bandwidth to do a great job. The matter lags at the bottom of the docket and takes way longer than it should to complete. We are positioned to offer "white label" service for attorneys needing focused support and expertise to handle trust administrations. If you have a backed up docket and would like some assistance with your trust administrations, please contact us to learn more about our services.